How naked are you when you are naked?
Has this question ever crossed your mind?
Have you ever realized that many of us are quite dressed while being naked. Sexuality stores our deepest sensitivity, respectively our deepest fears as well. In the “performance” culture where we live many people try to carry thousand masks, yet wearing mask is quite hard because “you are naked”.
Statistics shows that most sex workers have been victims of sexual trauma in their childhood or teenage years and it is the objectification of their body that made them lose their sovereignity over their body and subconsciously motivated their decission to offer their body as an object.
The Naked Psycjologist project aims at raising certain questions, provoke discussions over the topics of objectification and empowerment as well as build compassion and self-compassion using the means of psychology and photography united in a meaningful cause.
Very often when we judge somebody and project our fantaises on them we do not really realize how many layers of pain they carry below the naked body. And sometimes we forget that this carrier of heavy load is our own body.
That is why with our work we want to foster acceptance and self-acceptance.
We cannot change our story, we can only embrace and heal the emotional impact it had on us.
That is why we warmly encourage you to contact us, book a session and see how together we can transform what is there beyound the nudity.
Once I read that you are as comfortable being naked with your body as you are with your soul. Though I double question this.
The Naked Psychologist encourages you to undress your soul, not only your body and see what is there.