What is trauma?

What Trauma Is..

Trauma is the result of overwhelm to your system. It’s not only cognitive; it’s biological as well. It affects MIND, BODY and SOUL. It’s about fear and your ability to cope. There’s no time to think when facing a threat; your primary responses are instinctual.

Peter Levine, PhD, author of the pioneering book Waking the Tiger, has spent over forty years studying stress and trauma and is responsible for many discoveries in the field. Levine observed that an animal in the wild will instinctually shake after escaping a life-threatening event to discharge accumulated energy and then go on its way as if nothing happened. He realized that like other mammals, when faced with an overwhelming event, the human body must complete a primitive process: preparing for the event, reacting to it, and then discharging the accumulated energy once the threat has passed (Levine 1997).

Trauma results when this process is thwarted in some way, such as not being able to react or discharge the accumulated energy after the threat has passed.

Understanding Your Trauma Symptoms

Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms of trauma. Think of the early symptoms as your body’s way of trying to get your attention. It’s letting you know something’s off and it’s time to get help or support. If you’ve effectively suppressed the overwhelming event, symptoms may take years to appear. Some can show up soon after the trauma; others may take much longer to develop. These symptoms don’t always indicate trauma and aren’t meant for diagnostic purposes, yet if they persist, it may be a sign.

1. Hyperarousal - heightened startle response, frequently scanning the environment or watching for trauma reminders , feeling on edge or having feelings of anxiety related physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, upset stomach, or headaches becoming irritable, quick to anger, or aggressive difficulty concentrating difficulty sleeping risky or impulsive behaviors

2. Reexperiencing the trauma - distressing thoughts and feelings about the trauma, emotional distress after being triggered by a reminder of the trauma physical responses after being triggered ,flashbacks nightmares

3. Avoidance of trauma reminders- avoidance of people, places, or things related to the trauma ,avoidance of activities related to the trauma ,avoidance of conversations related to the trauma ,suppressing thoughts related to the trauma using drugs, alcohol, or food to suppress uncomfortable thoughts, and emotions

4. Negative thoughts or feelings- excessive blame toward oneself or others related to the trauma, loss of memory related to the trauma, loss of interest in activities, difficulty experiencing positive feelings, feeling isolation or disconnection from surroundings, excessive negative thoughts about oneself, excessive negative thoughts about the world

5. Mental and physical health issues-

(These symptoms usually take longer to develop and were likely preceded by some of the earlier symptoms.) - immune system problems, some endocrine problems, such as thyroid malfunction and environmental sensitivities like asthma, skin disorders, digestive problems, such as IBS, acid reflux, and SIBO (leaky gut), chronic pain, chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia

As you review this list, know that you’re not alone in your symptoms. Although you may not know their names, there are many others traveling this path along with you. The symptoms differ for each person, but all are common among survivors.

The shame of sexual trauma can be so strong and overwhelming that sometimes the mind is tricked to believe that “what happens to me is the worst, most gross..”. Survivors feel isolated and alone. By sharing our stories we make ourselves and others see that we are united in our experiences.

The main aim of the Naked psychologist project is to show that “MY STORY IS YOUR STORY.” .

Here is a link if you want to further read about how our body is impacted by trauma : https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8418154/


Building bridges


How naked are you when you are naked?